Nepal Trade Union Congress Completes 2nd Central Committee Meeting
Published Date: 2019-04-22
Nepal Trade Union Congress Completes 2nd Central Committee Meeting
21st April, 2019, Kathmandu.
Nepal Trade Union Congress held its 2nd Central Committee after 6th National Convention. The meeting was chaired by NTUC president Brother Pushkar Acharya. NTUC representative, central committee member' 7 province president and president of 26 affiliate’s union were present during the meeting.
During the 1st Day, Several affiliates union president presented their organizational report and feedbacks and comments of the newly elected working committee. They also asked for program and activities to be allocated for the affiliates union.
Likewise' In the 2nd Day of the meeting' Bro. Yogendra Kumar Kunwar presented the agenda related to federal organizational' expansion of local level government union in the province' district and local bodies. The other agendas include legal cell formation in NTUC structure' nomination of central member in the CCM' nomination of advisory of NTUC and various bilaws of NTUC structure.
The meeting held for two days during 19th April' 2019 to 20th April 2019.